Seminar on “Traditional Service versus Today Service” by Mr. Simon Thompson, Swiss Hotel Management School

To celebrate M.U.S.T.’s 24th Anniversary, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management (FHTM) held the fifth lecture of “Seminars by Masters from the Tourism Industry” on April 26th, 2024, in D Hall. Mr. Simon Thompson, Professor of Swiss Hotel Management School was invited as the guest speaker and provided an inspiring lecture entitled “Traditional Service versus Today Service”. Prof. Ben K. Goh, Dean of FHTM, Assistant Dean Dr. Wong Weng Chou, Program Director Dr. Brenda Yang, Program Director Dr. Feng Yan, Program Director Pan Su Ying and more than 400 teachers and students attended the seminar.


Group Photo


Before the lecture began, Prof. Ben K. Goh delivered a welcome speech and appreciated Mr. Simon Thompson’s efforts and reputation as an outstanding lecturer and his extensive experience in culinary development in five-star hotels, Prof. Ben K. Goh hopes that the students will cherish this rare opportunity to learn humbly from the master. He also expressed his desire for the lecture to stimulate students to contemplate the current developments in the hotel service industry.


Prof. Ben K. Goh Presented a Souvenir to Mr. Ben Smith


Mr. Simon Thompson firstly provided a brief overview of his professional and educational background, emphasizing his extensive focus on the food and beverage industry, predominantly within the UK and Europe. Mr. Thompson also explored current customer expectations in the service industry, necessary changes in service delivery, and the ongoing relevance of traditional service methods and skills. He also examined the impact of emerging technologies in the service sector. Drawing on his academic insights, substantial professional experience, and personal lessons, Mr. Thompson illustrated these topics using case studies from his previous challenges. He encouraged students to consistently seek improvement in their studies and to sustain a passion for their field while cultivating their innovation skills through diligent effort and practice.


Mr. Simon Thompson Gave a Lecture


During the Q&A session, the students were actively engaged and eagerly raised questions. Many queries were about the comparison between traditional and modern services. Mr. Simon Thompson patiently addressed each question, vividly illustrating his points with examples from his personal experiences and practices. He shared insights gained from everyday life and learning. After the lecture, the students expressed that it had not only broadened their perspective on the service industry, but also ignited their passion and motivation for service innovation.


Q&A session