M.U.S.T. Students Visit the United Nations Headquarters in Switzerland

The 2024 Swiss Summer Camp, organized by the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management (FHTM) at Macau University of Science and Technology in collaboration with the Swiss Education Group (SEG), has concluded successfully. This event aimed to deepen students' professional understanding of hotel and tourism management while including a visit to the United Nations to broaden students' international perspectives. As a result, in addition to students from the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 13 students from the School of Business, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, and Medical Sciences Division also participated.

Assistant Professor Liu Yingni, the program director of FHTM, and Assistant Professor Gou Rui led the event guiding students on a rich exploration filled with academic and cultural depth.

Multidisciplinary Academic Curriculum

On August 15, 2024, students visited the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, marking a highlight of their summer camp. They had the opportunity to gain insight into the operations of the world's largest international organization. Through interactions with UN experts, students learned about the complexities of international diplomacy and global governance and recognized the UN’s crucial role in addressing global challenges. This visit broadened the students' global perspective but also sparked their strong interest in international cooperation and cross-cultural communication. These experiences will play a vital role in motivating them to pursue careers in international affairs.

Photo at the United Nations European Headquarters, Palais des Nations

In addition to a rich curriculum, students visited several renowned Swiss academic institutions and cultural natural attractions, including the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, the town of Gruyères, Chillon Castle, Glacier 3000, and the Cailler Chocolate Factory. These experiences allowed students to appreciate Switzerland's unique natural beauty and cultural spirit amidst its magnificent landscapes.

Photo at Glacier 3000

After the course concluded, the Swiss Education Group held a formal graduation ceremony for the students, where Mr. Gwen Thomas, the program manager of the SEA Swiss Study Tour, presented each student with their completion certificate and praised their performance highly. He noted that the students from the Macau University of Science and Technology displayed exceptional learning abilities, innovative thinking, and teamwork spirit. Particularly during their visit to the United Nations headquarters, the students' questions and discussions demonstrated their critical thinking and keen insight into international issues.

Graduation Certificate Award Ceremony

Students participating in this summer camp generally felt they gained from the experience. Wu Yaping, a bachelor student in the Hotel Management program, expressed that the trip provided her with a new understanding of luxury brand management and the Swiss hospitality industry, particularly valuing the experience of visiting the United Nations headquarters. Another student, Yang Xinyi, a bachelor student in the International Tourism Management program, noted that she was deeply moved by Switzerland's culture and natural landscapes, stating that this experience not only enriched her knowledge but also served as a spiritual cleansing. Undoubtedly, this trip will have a profound impact on their future academic and professional careers.