To celebrate the new academic year and to help new students better to adapt to campus life, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management (FHTM) at the Macau University of Science and Technology hosted the New Student Orientation on 10th September 2024 in D Hall to welcome the teachers and new students. Over 350 teachers and students attended the event.
Group Photo of New Student Orientation
Dean Professor Ben K. Goh delivered a welcoming speech with valuable ideas and wonderful wishes to the new students. encouraged them to always remember to maintain their physical and mental health, cultivate good study habits, establish moral standards, build friendships with mentors and peers, and stay curious and energetic during their four years at the university. He hopes that students can enjoy the most beautiful and creative times of their lives. Additionally, Dean urged students to actively participate in services, academic lectures, summer camps, and various competitions, as this will not only enrich their personal resumes but also enhance their global perspective, helping them become internationally-minded tourism professionals.
Welcome Speech by Dean Ben K. Goh
Then the student representatives gave a speech, including Zhang Yanlong from bachelor program of International Tourism Management, Lei Yibin from bachelor program of Hotel Management, and Lin Juewei from the doctoral program of Tourism Management. They look forward to starting anew in a vibrant and opportunity-filled field, and in their future studies, they hope to not only achieve academic progress but also cultivate creativity, sharp insights, and like-minded friends. They anticipate writing a glorious chapter together with all of their classmates, shining brightly and giving wings to their dreams.
Student Representatives Gave a Speech (From Left:Lin Juewei, Zhang Yanlong and Lei Yibin)
Assistant Dean Associate Professor Jose Wong Weng Chou introduced the background of FHTM and each faculty teacher to the audience. During the orientation, Dean presented certificates of appreciation to the students of FHTM Student Consultative Council Member and some students were awarded the “FHTM Team Excellent Helper” in appreciation of their contributions to FHTM activities.
Assistant Dean Jose Wong Introduced FHTM
Dean Presented Certificates of Appreciation to the Students of FHTM Student Consultative Council Member
Dean Presented the Award of “FHTM Team Excellent Helper” to Students
Lastly, the President of FHTM student Union, Tong Xinyi introduced the student union and membership related matters. Mr. Patrick Wong, Chairman of General Assembly-Elect of the FHTM Alumni Association mentioned that the alumni association provides an important platform for establishing closer connections between the university and alumni. He also encouraged students to actively participate in alumni association activities. All the teachers and students who attended the meeting took a group photo, and the event ended successfully in a harmonious atmosphere.
Introduction of FHTM Student Union by President Tong Xinyi
Introduction of FHTM Alumni Association by Chairman Patrick Wong