Master of Hotel Management

Program Introduction

  • Duration of Study

    The normal duration of this program is 2 years,and the maximum duration is 3 years.

  • Teaching Language


  • Academic Field

    Hotel Management

  • Course Introduction

    The Master of Hotel Management (MHTM) was created in order to train senior professionals for the hotel industry. This program has lecture learning, internship, and academic thesis. This program emphasizes the combination of theory and practice and focuses on cultivating the studentsombination of theory and practice train senior professionals for the hotel industry. This program has lecture learning, intelevel management of hotel industry.

    During the study period, students are required to complete 21 credits of courses in both compulsory and elective courses and 9 credits of internship. After passing all subjects, the student will write a thesis and pass an oral defense in order to obtain a master degree.

Study Plan

I. Study Duration

The normal study period of Master of Hotel Management program is 2 years. The maximum study period is 3 years.

II. Study Mode


III. Medium of Instruction

Chinese and English

IV. Academic Field

Hotel Management

V. Course Structure

Table 1: Core Courses (21 Credits)

Course Code

Course Title



Global Trends and Issues in Hotel Industry



Investment and Operation Management in Hotel Industry



Law and Compliance Management in Hotel Industry



Data Process and Research Method in Hotel Industry





Table 2: Specialization Elective Courses *(9 Credits)

Course Code

Course Title



Study to Customer Relationship



Smart Management and Technology Innovation



Human Resource Psychology in Hotel Industry



Gaming and Entertainment Operation



Room Revenue Management



Brand Operation for Hotel Industry



Quality Service Management for The Hotel Industry



Organization Behavior and Leadership for Hotel Business



Product and Space Design for Hotel Industry



Media and Public Relationship



Decision-making Accounting in Hotel Industry



Professional Foreign Language for Service Industry



Advanced Special Topics in Hotel Industry



Asian and Chinese Hotel Industry: Issues and Trends



Master Lectures for Hotel Industry


Table 3: Thesis (9 Credits)

Course Code

Course Title





* The University preserves the right to cancel any subject due to insufficient enrollment. 

VI. Study Requirements

  1. Students are required to complete five core courses from Table 1 and three elective courses from Table 2, a total of 30 credits. 

  2. Complete 600 hours of internship during the third semester.

  3. Complete a master degree thesis with no less than 20,000 words and no more than 23,000 words, and pass the oral defence, a total of 9 credits.

VII. Study Period

  1. The duration for taking all courses is 12 months and the duration for thesis writing is 9 months.

  2. In general, classes will be scheduled Monday to Saturday, day or night time. 

VIII. Graduation Rrequirements

Upon approval from the Senate of the University, a Master’s Degree will be conferred on a student when he or she has:

  1. Completed and met the requirements as prescribed in the study plan of his or her program within the specific study period, and achieved a cumulative GPA of 2.50 *or above (excluding dissertation)

  2. Abided by the regulations of the University

  3. Cleared all fees and charges, and returned all University’s property and equipment borrowed

If students pass all courses required in Table 1 and 2 above with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, but fail to pass the final thesis oral defense during the specified period, he/she will receive a certificate of completion.

Note: All curriculums and study plans are based on the newest announcement of the Boletim Oficial da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau.

※In case of any discrepancy, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Course Description

Table 1 Core Courses (21 Credits):

Course Code(Credit)




Global Trends and Issues in Hotel Industry

The main content of this subject includes the history of hotel industry, construction, diversity of hotel categories, development trends and the challenges. This subject mainly provides comprehensive introduction of hotel industry to students with better understanding of this industry.


Investment and Operation Management in Hotel Industry

This subject introduces the concepts, regulation and models of investment management in hotel industry. Students will learn to analyze characteristics of the hotel investment and operation, financing and relevant management issues. This subject also introduces the application of finance evaluation of project in hotel industry and financing methods.


Law and Compliance Management in Hotel industry

This subject emphasizes the laws and public policies related to the hotel industry and analysis of legal events. The concepts and application will be introduced by textbook and selective journal papers. And the moot court will be conducted for practice teaching.


Data Process and Research Method in Hotel Industry

This course provides basic academic research process and method and their practical application in hotel management major, and cultivates students' critical thinking and independent research skills. This course also provide skill training such as organization and planning of research projects, research report writing, dissertation writing through simulation research.



This course will complete the adaptation and improvement of the students from theoretical learning to practical operation through the internship work in hotel industry and the two-ways guidance by both internship institutions and school supervisors. students will be able to apply what they have learned to practice, and discover and solve problems in practice by learning and practicing the basic skills of the hotel industry and basic knowledge of customer service.

Table 2 Elective Courses (9 Credits):

Course Code(Credit)




Study to Customer Relationship

This course introduces the latest theories and concepts of marketing in the hotel industry, and focuses on the application of marketing knowledge and skills in the hotel industry. This course also uses case studies to cultivate students' practical ability and experience in solving hotel marketing problems.


Smart Management and Technology Innovation

This subject provides students with information regarding application and innovation of network technology in hotel management. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the information management system, and the current status of the development of the information management system model in hotel management. And students will understand how to organize and evaluate the potential impact of information management systems on the future hotel industry.


Human Resource Psychology in Hotel Industry

This course will focus on the functions of human resources management in the hotel industry. The course will discuss human resources planning, recruitment, selection, placement and induction, employee development, evaluation, compensation and collective bargaining. It also conducts case teaching on hotel human resources management to enrich students' understanding of this field.


Gaming and Entertainment Operation

The purpose of this course is to provide students with basic theoretical and analytical models related to the gaming industry and the hotel entertainment industry. This course will also train and cultivate students' management skills and practical ability in the face of different stakeholders in the gaming industry.


Room Revenue Management

This course aims to provide students with knowledge of the basic revenue management concepts in hotel industry with emphasis on analysis and practical application.


Brand Operation for Hotel Industry

The purpose of this course is to provide students with knowledge on theory, models, development methods and management control of hotel brand development and operation. And the students' understanding of the hot issues of hotel brand management will be enhanced as well in this course.


Quality Service Management for the Hotel Industry

This course integrates concepts such as service management, service marketing, service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty to interpret the practical application of these concepts in hotel service management. The contents include plan development, service goal setting, plan implementation, service quality evaluation and review, etc.


Organization Behavior and Leadership for Hotel Business

The goal of this course is to enable students to develop a comprehensive and critical understanding of the environment, concepts and principles of organizational behavior and leadership management in hotel business. This course uses case studies with the combination of the knowledge of various job functions of the hotel, the construction of the enterprise organization to teach students the methods, strategies and hot issues of formulating and implementing the organizational strategic plan.


Product and Space Design for Hotel Industry

This course teaches students the basic composition and relevant knowledge of the hotel industry's products, services, and hotel space and builds up students 'understanding of the hotel industry's products and services; and cultivates and improves students' design ability and innovative awareness of hotel products.


Media and Public Relationship

This course provides students with the basic theory of public communication and its practical application in the hotel industry. This course also trains students to master cross-cultural communication skills and develop applicable and feasible communication strategies for the hotel industry.


Decision-Making Accounting in Hotel Industry

This course mainly teaches the environment, concepts and principles of financial management in the hotel industry, as well as the relationship and judgment criteria between hotel financial performance and operational decisions.


Professional Foreign Language for Service Industry

This course teaches students professional foreign languages in the hotel industry according to the student’s situation through intensive study to make students understand and are familiar with industry-specific terms and expressions. This course also develop and improve students' oral and written skills to meet the requirements of reading and analyzing foreign language texts in the future working environment.


Advanced Special Topics in Hotel Industry

This course focuses on the hot topics of current hotel industry management, and improves their understanding of hotel management through cases studies and reports research. This course also train and cultivate students’ ability of analysis, research and development of management strategies among different stakeholders to solve practical problems.


Asian and Chinese Industry: Issues and Trends

This course focuses on the history, development, trends, and challenges of the hotel industry in Asia and China. From the perspective of regional industry development, this course teaches students the development of the hotel industry in specific areas, thereby enriching students' understanding of the hotel industry and discovering key issues that are important to the industry's current and future development.


Master Lectures for Hotel Industry

This course focuses on development cases shared by industry experienced speakers from major hotel groups to provide students with the opportunity and platform to communicate and learn with industrial elites, and understand the different perspectives of various stakeholders in the development of the hotel industry from the industry reality.

Table 3 Thesis (9 Credits):

Course Code(Credit)



MBHZ10 (9)


Under the guidance of the supervisor, students are required to select research topics within the theme of hotel management, conduct survey analysis, and complete applied research thesis.