【Upcoming Event】The Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management Holds Fourth Session of 2402 Semester’s Seminars by Masters from Tourism Industry

Topic:The Logic Behind the Era of Leisure and Vacation

Date:April 19th, 2024 (Friday)

Time:10:30 - 12:00

Venue:D Hall

Organizer:Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Macau University of Science and Technology

Guest Speaker:Mr. Liu Jun, Senior Vice President of the Narada Hotel Group



Mr. Liu Jun is the Senior Vice President of Narada Hotel Group, and concurrently serves as the Managing Director of Paradeisos Hotel, as well as the Vice Chairman of the Golden Keys China. With his extensive experience in hotel management, Mr. Liu will delve into the logic of the leisure vacation era in his upcoming lecture. He will share his practical experiences and insights from the hotel industry, which will provide valuable references for understanding the current development trends and challenges in the leisure vacation market.


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the faculty office (telephone number 8897-2381 or 8897-2382, Email: FHTM_inquiry@must.edu.mo)