【Upcoming Event】The Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management Hold the Distinguished Scholar Forum of Hospitality and Tourism —— Case Study Research and How to Get Published: Transitioning a Thesis Project to a Successful Journal Publication

Time: August 8, 2024 (Thursday) 14:00-17:00

Zoom Number: 92038343844

Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/92038343844

Organizer: Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management,

Macau University of Science and Technology

Guest Speaker: Associate Professor Gabby Walters, Associate Professor in Tourism, The University of Queensland

Sponsor: Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region Education Fund


Associate Professor Walters is a globally recognised researcher in consumer behaviour with a specialisation in tourism and travel. In particular, she holds significant expertise in crisis recovery and how crises influence travel planning and decision making, risk mitigation behaviour and market sentiment more generally. Dr. Walters’s specialist knowledge in tourist behaviour and visitor experience has been applied to a broad range of contexts, including but not limited to; climate change and extreme weather events, alpine tourism and adaptive capacity, responsible tourism and overcoming seasonality. She has a well-established publication record in the field with over 55 journal publications as well as several co-authored books and book chapters. She is currently the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Vacation Marketing, an A ranked journal within the Business fields.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the faculty office (Telephone number: 8897-2381 or 8897-2382, Email: FHTM_inquiry@must.edu.mo).