为庆祝澳门科技大学22周年校庆,酒店与旅游管理学院于2022年4月13日以在线形式举办第三场「酒旅名家论坛」,本场讲座邀请到英国萨里大学酒店与旅游管理学院Allan Williams教授作为是次讲座嘉宾,讲座主题为「旅游流动性、知识及不确定性」。酒旅学院吴国民院长、张杨课程主任、刘超助理教授、高雄斌助理教授及其他老师出席了讲座。此外还有国际旅游管理、酒店管理硕士生以及旅游管理博士生约100人通过在线方式聆听了讲座。
Allan Williams教授演讲
吴国民院长感谢Allan Williams教授在当前疫情之下为我院师生带来在线讲座,同时也期望学生能珍惜此难得机会,扩展自己的研究兴趣和研究方向,虚心向教授学习。
Prof. Ben K. Goh, Dean of FHTM welcomed Professor Allan Williams
In this lecture, Professor Allan Williams systematically explained that tourism mobility, the knowledge level of tourism individuals and their tolerance for risk and uncertainty play a key role in both the production and consumption of tourism. After the presentation by Professor Allan Williams, the students gained a deeper understanding of the topic. Professor Allan Williams also made a specific analysis based on the impact of the current epidemic on the tourism industry, bringing a more in-depth research perspective to the students and giving them more inspiration and thoughts. In the final Q&A session, the teachers and students raised very profound questions, which Professor Allan Williams answered patiently and meticulously.
吴国民院长欢迎Allan Williams教授